Student Success Center
We work with students to help define, clarify, and achieve academic, personal, and professional goals. We seek to help develop dynamic learning strategies to enhance academic success. We want to enable students to make informed choices regarding academic programs and career opportunities. Finally, we want to help students make academic and career transitions to assist in completing a certificate or diploma program.
What is the job of the Student Success Coordinators?
- Serve as Academic Advisors and help support Faculty advisors.
- Participate in START 澳门足球博彩官方网址 to help in the advising of students.
- Coordinate methods to help students who are on academic probation to get back into good academic standing.
- Refer students to appropriate on-campus services to address obstacles.
- Follow-up on TAPS reports to offer outreach and support to students receiving alerts to increase their likelihood of academic success.
- Provide encouragement and support for students who are referred or just seek help.
- Work with Academic Coaches from each college.
How do I set up an appointment to talk with someone at the Success Center?
Call (812-888-4451) or e-mail ( a coordinator to make an appointment, or visit the Success Center: open Monday through
Friday from 8:00am – 4:30pm.
Student Success Center staff actively promote student success and selection of career pathways by:
- Providing additional advising to at-risk students, supporting academic advisors
- Promoting university-wide programming to help students be more self-aware
- Increasing student participation in campus life
- Contributing proactively to endeavors that support a positive learning community at 澳门足球博彩官方网址
- Supporting efforts for greater communication among all University stake-holders
We are dedicated to improving student persistence and degree/certificate completion. All 澳门足球博彩官方网址 students—current, past, and future—are welcome to take advantage of our offerings. Our primary focus is to serve those students who enter 澳门足球博彩官方网址 with the greatest risk of not completing: students who may be undecided about a career path or major and those who need significant remediation.
If you are a 21st Century Scholar that is or will be a Vincennes University student, please contact the 21st Century Support Specialist for general inquiries or questions at the Student Success Center, Learning Resource Center (LRC) Room 115.
Contact Information
Shake Learning Resource Center (LRC) - Room 115
21st Century Scholars Program
Shake Learning Resource Center (LRC) Room 115812-888-5501